13722. Thelma Maxine Putnam
Thelma Maxine PutnamAKA: Maxine Putnam
17839. Mary Helen Hanahan
RESIDENCES: 1995, Duluth, MN
John Lewis HuhnSPOUSE: John Lewis Huhn was the 2nd husband of Judy Kay Hagan.
Earl WestOCCUPATION: A rodeo star of note in the Oklahoma Panhandle. He won bareback riding in New York City in 1930 and 1931 and the same in London, England in 1934, steer-riding in Boston, 1932. He had many trophies.
(Source: "Conger History 1664-1941," by Ethel Conger Heagler - furnished by Robert Guilinger)
13770. Gladys Ethel Anspurger
Gladys Ethel AnspurgerProblem: Was her first name, Gladys or Gladdis? Ethel Conger Heagler has it, Gladdis.
Ray KorenerProblem: Was the surname, Koener or Korener?
John MorrisonAKA: Johnny Morrison