Mary Jane SimontonDEATH: According to Richard TenEyck, reportedly died in childbirth when her daughter, Susan, was 4 or 4 years old.
QUESTION-NAME: Richard TenEyck thinks her name might have been Simonson, rather than Simonton, because he had Simonson relatives on Staten Island when he was growing up.
Jane Elizabeth TomlinsSPOUSE: Jane Elizabeth Tomlins was the 2nd wife of Thomas Jefferson Conger. They were married at Tompkins Cove on the Hudson on 7 Apr 1870.
(Source: The Conger Family of America, Vol. I, p. 490 - Maxine Crowell Leonard)
6827. Emma Jane Conger
Emma Jane CongerPARENTS: Thomas Jefferson Conger and Jane Elizabeth Tomlins
Mary Virginia RankinSPOUSE: Mary Virginia Rankin was the 3rd spouse of Thomas Jefferson Conger.
6834. Infant Conger
RELATIONSHIP: According to CFA I, p. 490 there were twin girls that were
born on 19 May 1905 and then both died on the same day, 25 May 1905?
3435. Ira Conger
Ira CongerRESEARCHER: Everett Richard Conger provided information about the family of Ira Conger.
(Source: The Conger Family of America, Vol. I, p. 238 - Maxine Crowell Leonard)RESIDENCES: Probably lived in or near, Hammond, IN
3437. George Foxx Conger
George Foxx CongerRESIDENCES: As of Aug 1911, Micegrove, Blackford Co., IN
BIRTH: "7 Apr 1851 (1849?)" in CFA I, p. 194
Problem: Was he born at Gurneyville, Clinton Co., OH as listed in CFA I, p. 194 or at Oakland, Clinton Co., OH as listed elsewhere in CFA I?
BURIAL-QUESTION: In what county did the burial take place? There are two places named, Pennville, in the state.
3465. Proctor Conger
Proctor CongerRECOLLECTIONS: Ina (Young) Taylor wrote, "I always loved to go to Grandma
Conger's. She and Grandpa were so dear. I loved to stay all night there --
wake up in the morning and Grandma was frying meat and baking pancakes. One
would sink into the feather beds she had and they surely were warm and cozy.
All these beautiful memories. Also I used to go there for lunch on rainy days
from school. When it rained they always knew Flossie & I would be there.
Grandpa was just like my husband is -- could fix anything; always had the ide
which did the trick."
(Source: CFA I, p. 428)
Sarah TinsonSPOUSE: Sarah Tinson was the 2nd spouse of Austin Conger.
Honolulu Grace AtkinsonSPOUSE: Honolulu Grace Atkinson was the 3rd spouse of Austin Conger.
AKA: Probably called, Lulu
3495. Aaron Luther Conger
Aaron Luther CongerNAME-CONFLICT: May have gone by, Luther Aaron Conger. CFA II, p. 51.
CHILDREN: Birth order of the children is not firm. CFA II, p. 51.