Conger Genealogies



A tract on the Descendants of John Belconger in North America





My name is Ernest Conger, top right, and I have taken on the task of bringing the Conger Genealogies to some form of current status. This means that the current listings of Congers which generally extend into the SEVENTH and EIGHTH generations from Belconger, be brought current to the TWELFTH and THIRTEENTH generations.

xxThis information will be presented in a format which will make it available to anyone who has access to the internet. No special features, tools or software will be required to view the work. The information will be posted and interested persons just look through it until you find what you are looking for.

For the people who do not have access to the internet, we hope to formulate the data on DVD discs that you can install in your DVD player and do your searches on your TV sets. Also, don't forget your public libraries as they have computers to play the discs and you can access these web pages from them as well and they are many times free of charge.

We will depend on your historical and current input to provide much of  the information necessary to do this. Especially for branches of the family that are distant to us. We can use volunteer help.


There have been many people who have worked on these Genealogies over the years, the most recent Job Conger, lower left, who received material from Maxine Leonard, above picture, who was probably the most effective worker we had on the subject. Maxine and her family devoted years to the project, accumulating much material and got it into book form, writing "The Conger Family of America" book, then later editing and publishing an updated version in a second book of same name.

A select few of the first pages of Maxine's latest book, Conger Family of America II, may be copied in part for this work. Especially the very first portions of t
he book which is in a narrative form.
The work we are hoping to update and build upon is that digital record which Richard L Henthorn, just to the right, has done. Richard Henthorn somehow was able to transcribe the genealogies of Maxine's entire book and put it into digital form so we could all view it from the internet. It was a big undertaking and we owe Richard a huge debt for sticking with it and getting it done.

These three personages are the greater of all the later contributors to the Conger Story. I know there has to be others. Perhaps we could start up some kind of list of active participants.

Ernest Conger

The Material;


And now we take Richard's work, as all of the others even back into the 1700s, and continue the upgrade.

The genealogical data has been separated into seven groupings. John Belconger is the first grouping and includes data for the first three generations of Congers born of his line. Mr Belconger, unmarried upon arrival here in America was married to a first and then a second wife, two wives as shown and the data, then, starts with second male issue of John and Mary (John Jr) and ends with last male issue of John and Sarah (Benjamin), a father and six sons, altogether, seven groupings. Note: Belconger's first of seven sons, Enos, died at 20 years of age and left no issue thus no grouping for his descendants..

Today the seven groupings of data are organized into about a dozen major files with there being a probable maximum thirteen generations - they will be numbered 1 (John Belconger) thru 13 (today's generations). Every listed person has a generation number. All of these numbers start with John Belconger, he will be No. 1.  I myself am of the his 10th generation.

We have added a few files to the twelve webpages and have arranged them in two formats:  1) The good old standby "Descendant" file from the older PAF format with few source notes, records, which aids faster search, etc and  2) the "narrative" files loaded with all the information we have. Take your pick in hot-links below - same database just two different ways of looking at it.

There is a better description of the files and how they work at the bottom of this page. There you can find hot-links to the files.

We do hope you find what you are looking for. If you do not, or find anomaly, make sure your info is correct, then please contact us and we will try to resolve it. Please understand we are few here and need all the help we can get for this upgrade endeavor. If you would like to volunteer information or help, contact me at address just below.

We have copied the first few pages of Maxine's book, Conger Family of America, II as a guide to content of this website. These pages start with the cover of the book and end with "Congers - First Census of The United States." It is no more than right that the presentation of the Conger material start with Maxine's work.  One of our prime goals is to have the capability to link the research notes to the personage so that when a person is found, if there are any records, notes and so forth for that person, they may be retrieved with the click of your mouse (we have just achieved that particular goal and all major files now have a name list that is linked to the main file).

Ernest Conger
204 West Wall St
Exline, IA 52555


Beginning of Excerpts

( copied from Maxine Leonard's book, Conger Family of America, II.)

























End of Excerpts



Please Read ....

The small chart below shows links for the John Belconger family. Please note there are seven male personages in the group and that they have links to all of the descendant's generation files.  These files make a fairly large database (about 45,000 names and 17,000 families) and you should keep this in mind when viewing the files. Some may take a little time to load up and get going so have patience, the reward is great. Read these few paragraphs as they will help you navigate the pages.

The generations' "descend" files start with the no. 1* and person's name in the upper left corner with the person listed. Thus all of those files will start with the no. 1 in the upper left corner and progress through the page giving the person's generation number. As nearly as we can tell, they are fairly accurate. There you can quickly see distant aunts, uncles, cousins. The narrative, or source, files are bigger but much the same except the generation number is not apparent.

We have added a new feature to all of the files as some of them are fairly large. A list of all names in the file can now be found at the bottom of the file page. The names are arranged alphabetically and are linked back to a page of information in the top file page. This aids faster search for a single individual, etc. Just go to the name list and then click on the page number behind the name and you'll be taken right to that page of information in the file.

We have tried to hold down on the number of links in the webpages - don't forget your back arrows on your browsers to help navigate the pages. When you click on a link to go somewhere, you may have to use the browser back-arrow to return.

*Please note that the files will have a beginning number in upper left corner of no 1. This is an anomaly for the software that produces the reports and should be regarded as such and not recognized as the actual generation number from John Belconger. The number before the name in any Belconger file will be the actual generation number for the person. However, the files of Belconger's sons also start with generation 1 in front of the name and the rest of the names will have a number that is 1 generation short of their true number. Therefore when perusing those files and when considering the actual generation from Belconger, you would have to add 1 to give true generation number.

I am in the line of John Jr whose generation number is given as 1 and should be 2 and my number is given as 9 when it should be 10. So you add the 1 to everybody and John Jr winds up generation 2 and I am then 10 and both are then correct!

We are trying to get the software corrected so it will reflect the generation number chosen by the preparer, not the programmer of the software. The existing system may be OK for other types of reports and webpages but in projects like this you want the exact relationship of everything to the one progenitor of the group. 

This index file is done in .html but the remaining pages are done in .pdf and when you are accessing the "mailto:" addresses in the .html they will probably work OK.  However; the .pdf files may not respond to your attempts to access the email addresses on the .pdf pages. If this happens, we've found the browser you are using may be at fault. You must browse the .pdf pages with whichever browser you use for your email and then, you must have the browser identified as your default email browser in the browser's "settings" - you may even have to add a "mailto: extension" to the browser. When you have the proper extension in place and have chosen the browser to be your "default email browser," the mailto: protocol should work for you.
Ernest Conger,  7/16/2016

Click on the "D" and get those "DESCEND" files - Click on the "S" and get the Source, Research files.

John Belconger  D   S

Mary Kelly

Sarah Cawood

John Jr

   D   S  


   D   S 


   D   S


   D   S


   D   S


   D   S

We've added a PAF file to collection. It's older, etc but it's good.
Faster than the other files ........ See Link Below.


Ten Generations of John Belconger by LEGACY 
(This link is to a full database of Conger Records as viewed by Legacy Software)

All generations of John Conger JR by Legacy
By Ernest Conger


More CONGER Documents
By: Robert Guilinger and Richard Henthorn

Collateral Families
By Richard Henthorn

Gene Conger Family
By Ernest Conger

Wallace Conger Family
By Ernest Conger


John Belconger via PAF
By Ernest Conger


RETURN TO TOP OF PAGE                

Ernest Conger  7/15/2016
Ph 641-658-2356
